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1985-1992 Selçuk Üniversitesi – Tıp Fakültesi
1992- Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi / Yüksek Lisans
1998- Ankara Onkoloji Hastanesi – Genel Cerrahi

Kurslar ve Konferanslar

Klinik Araştırmaların Tasarımı, Yürütme, Sunum İlkeleri ve Kalite Kontrolü, TÜBİTAK, Ankara 1996
Temel Onkoloji Kursu, Ankara Onkoloji Hastanesi, Ankara, Ekim 1995-Ocak 1996
Hastane İşletmeciliği, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Finansal Araştırmalar Merkezi, Ankara,13 Ekim-24 Aralık 1997
İkinci Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitim Kursu, Istanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Istanbul, 13-14 Nisan 2001
Selçuk Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Endoskopi Ünitesi Endoskopi Kursu, SÜ Tıp Fakültesi, Konya, Mart-Nisan 2001
Üst Gastrointestinal Sistem Hastalıkları, Istanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Istanbul, 10-11 Ekim 2003
İkinci Anorektal Fizyoloji Kursu, Istanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi ABD, Istanbul, 10 Aralık 2004
Deney Hayvanları Uygulama ve Etik Kursu, Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi, Istanbul, 27-28 Eylül 2005
İlkyardım Eğitmeni Sertifikası, Istanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji ABD, Istanbul, 9-11 Kasım 2005
Birinci Istanbul Meme Kanseri Cerrahisi Kursu, SB Istanbul İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü, 16 Mayıs 2006
Practical Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Course (TEM), Berlin, 14-16 September 2006
Post Graduate Course TEM, 14.th EAES Congress in Berlin, Berlin, 13-September 2006
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication Course, Istanbul, 24-25 April, 2007
Cerrahi Gastroenteroloji Uzmanlık Sonrası Eğitim Kursu, Istanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ,Istanbul, 26-27 Ekim 2007
Minimally Access Surgery Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery, EATS, Strasbourg , France, 16-17 November 2007
Uygulamalı Laparoskopik Kolon Cerrahisi Kursu, TELCD, Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Ankara, 28-30 Nisan 2008
Laparoskopik Kolorektal Cerrahi Kursu, Türk Kolon Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği, Istanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Istanbul, 20-21 Kasım, 2008
Robotic Surgery EATS, Strasbourg , France, Augst 22. 2011
EUS ERCP Workshop, Middle East N Africa EUS RCP Clup ,İstanbul 6-7/Dec/2013
Peritoneal Carcinomatozis , Regensburg Germany, June 2014
Sitoredüktif Cerrahi Kursu, Eğitici, Ankara 20-21/Kasım 2014
Bariatrik Surgery Masterclass,İstanbul, 7-8 April/2015
Obstetrik Anal Sfinkter Hasarına Multidisipliner Yaklaşım ve Anorektal USG Kurs17-18 Nisan/2015
Endoskopik Ultrasonografi Kursu ,İstanbul, 13-Mart-2015
Obstetrik Anal Sfinkter Hasarına Yaklaşım Kursu,20-Kasım -2015
Deney Hayvanları Uygulama ve Etik Kursu, SBÜ MAE SAUM2019

2019 – Medicine Hospital
2017 – 2019 SBÜ İstanbul Kanuni SS SAUM
2014 – 2017 SBÜ İstanbul Kanuni SS SAUM
2008 – 2010 Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 4. Genel Cerrahi Kliniği
2001 – 2008 Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği
2001 – 2007 Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği
1999 – 2001 Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İlk ve Acil Yardım AD
1998 – 1999 Sağlık Bakanlığı Ereğli Devlet Hastanesi – Konya

Kanser Cerrahisi
Laparoskopik Cerrahi
Kalın Barsak ve Rektum Cerrahisi
Anal Bölge Hastalıkları
Obezite Cerrahisi
Girişimsel ve Tedavi Edici Endoskopik İşlemler
ERCP – Safrayolu Endoskopik İşlemler
Robotik Cerrahi

Türk Cerrahi Derneği
Fıtık Derneği
Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği
Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Derneği
İstanbul Cerrahi Derneği
Cerrahi Onkoloji Derneği
Türk Hepato-Pankreatiko-Biliyer Cerrahi Derneği

İskemik kalp hastalıklarında enfeksiyonun rolü, Dr Mehmet Gül, Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İlk ve Acil Yardım AD-2000

Kardiak kontüzyonun belirlenmesinde troponinin rolünün ortaya konulması, Dr Sadık Girişgin, Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İlk ve Acil Yardım AD-2001

Laparoskopik Kolesistektomi Operasyonlarında Safra Kesesi Perforasyonlarının Solunum Fonksiyonları Üzerine Olan Etkisi, Barış Veli Akın, Dr Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Bakırköy İstanbul 2003

Kolon anastomozlarında kefirin etkinliği, Dr Hakan Yigitbaş, Dr Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Bakırköy İstanbul 2005

Ratlarda deneysel splenik alt segment rezeksiyonlarında Ankaferd Blood Stopper’ in etkinliğinin fibrin glue ile karşılaştırılması, Dr Erkan Yavuz, Okmeydanı E A Hastanesi 4. Cerrahi Kliniği, 2010

Deneysel karaciğer laserasyon modelinde karaciğer kanamalarının kontrolünde Ankaferd Blood Stopper’in etkinliği, Dr Cevher Akarsu,Okmeydanı E A Hastanesi, 4. Cerrahi Kliniği 2010

A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler

Eroğlu E, Oral S, Unal E, Kalayci M, Oksüz O, Tilmaz M. Reducing seroma formation with fibrin glue in an animal mastectomy model. Eur J Surg Oncol. 1996 Apr;22(2):137-9.

Aribas OK, Kanat F, Turk E, Kalayci MU . Comparison between pulmonary and hepatopulmonary hydatidosis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002 Mar;21(3):489-96.

Alis H, Soylu A, Dolay K, Kalayci M, Ciltas A. Surgical intervention may not always be required in gossypiboma with intraluminal migration. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;28:13(48), 6605-7

Kapan S, Turhan AN, Alis H, Kalayci MU, Hatipoglu S, Yigitbas H, Aygun E. Rectus sheath hematoma: three case reports. J Med Case Reports. 2008;25(2): 22.

Soylu A, Taskale MG, Ciltas A, Kalayci M, Kumbasar AB. Intrahepatic cholestasis in subclinical and overt hyperthyroidism: Two case reports. J Med Case Reports. 2008;21(2):116

Alis H, Yigitbas H,Kapan S, Kalayci M, Kilic G, Aygun E. Multifocal adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast: an unusual presentation. Can J Surg. 2008;51(2):36-37.

Soylu A, Ozkara S, Alıs H, Dolay K, Kalayci M, Yasar N, Kumbasar AB. Immunohistochemical testing for Helicobacter Pylori existence in neoplasms of the colon. BMC Gastroenterology. 2008;14(8):1-6

Soylu A, Dolapcioglu C, Dolay K, Ciltas A, Yasar N, Kalayci M, Alis H, Sever N, Endoscopic and histopathological evaluation of acute gastric injury in high-dose acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ingestion with suicidal intent. World J Gastroenterol. 2008; 21:14(43), 6704-10

Kapan S, Turhan AN, Kalayci MU, Alis H, Aygun E. Albendazole is Not Effective for Primary Treatment of Hepatic Hydatid Cysts. J Gastrointest Surg. 2008;12(5):867-71

Kalayci UM , Akin BV, Alis H, Kapan S, Turhan AN, Aygun E, Short-term effects of gallbladder perforations during laparoscopic cholecystectomy on respiratory mechanics and depth of pain. Surg Endosc. 2008; 22(5):1317-20

Alis H, Oner OZ, Kalayci MU, Dolay K, Kapan S, Soylu A, Aygun E. Is endoscopic band ligation superior to injection therapy for Dieulafoy lesion? Surg Endosc. 2009;23:1465-9

Alis H, Kapan S, Oner O, Soylu A, Dolay K, Kalayci MU , Aygun E. Primary omental hydatid cyst. International Medical Case Reports Journal. 2009:1;7–10

Kalayci MU, Soylu A, Eroglu HE, Kubilay D, Sancak B, Ugurluoglu C, Ercin U, Koca Y, Karatepe O. Effect of Ankaferd Blood Stopper on Hemostasis and Histopathological Score in Experimental Liver Injury. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2010;111(4):183-8

Gonenc M, Kalayci MU, Turhan AN, Deniztas C, Alis H, Endoscopic treatment of a transmigrated intrauterine device to colonic wall: a case report. Am J Obstet Gynecol (ISI). 2011;204(3):3-5.

Kalayci MU, Eroğlu HE, Kubilay D, Soylu A, Sancak B, Ugurluoglu C, Ercin U, Koca YS, The effects of methylene blue on adhesion formation in a rat model of experimental peritonitis, Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ISI). 2011;17(3):205-209

Akarsu C, Kalayci MU, Yavuz E, Özkara S, Gökçek B, Özdenkaya Y, Yalcin O, Comparison of the hemostatic efficiency of Ankaferd Blood Stopper and fibrin glue on a liver laceration model in rats., Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ISI). 2011;17(4):308-312

Gonenc M, Gemici E, Kalayci MU, Karabulut M, Turhan AN, Alis H. Intracorporeal knotting versus metal endoclip application for the closure of the appendiceal stump during laparoscopic appendectomy in uncomplicated appendicitis J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2012 Apr;22(3):231-5. doi: 10.1089/lap.2011.0335. Epub 2011 Dec 6.

Bozkurt MA, Sürek A, Gönenç M, Kalaycı MU, Alış H. Significance of defecography and the role of rectocele in constipated patients.Open Journal of Gastroenterology, 2012,Vol 2, No:2.

Bozkurt MA, Kalaycı MU, Gemici E, Dilege E, Alış Kabızlığın etyolojik incelenmesinde kolonik geçiş zamanı ölçümü önemlimidir. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi .2012;28(1):31-3

Efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in Bleeding Control in Experimental Partial Splenectomy Model Yavuz E, Kalayci MU , Kesici S, Kesici U, Ozkara S, Yalçin O , Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18 (5): 753-758, 2012DOI:10.9775/kvfd.2012.6324

Öner OZ, Gönenç M, Kalaycı MU, Bozkurt MA, Kapan S, Alış H. Prophylactic injection therapy is necessary for Forrest type 2b duodenal ulcers. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2013 Jan;19(1):29-32. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2013.88220.

Doğan K, Kaya C, Karaman U, Kalaycı MU, Baytekin HF. Tuboovarian abscess caused by hydatid cyst: a rare case,. Mikrobiyol Bul . 2013 Apr;47(2):356-61. Turkish.

Kalayci MU, Gonenc M, Yalcin O, Kurtulus I, Turan I, Avul R. Isolated muscle metastasis of cervical cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol . 2013 Aug;33(6):641-3. doi: 10.3109/01443615.2013.797387.

Alis H, Sengoz C, Gonenc M, Kalayci MU, Kocatas A. Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation for malignant biliary obstruction. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2013 Aug;12(4):423-7.

Karabulut M, Bas K, Gönenç M, Kalayci MU, Bozkurt MA, Temizgönül KB, Aliş H. Self-expanding Metallic Stents in Acute Mechanical Intestinal Obstructions Resulting from Colorectal Malignancies. Am Surg. 2013 Dec;79(12):1279-82.

Gonenc M, Dural AC, Celik F, Akarsu C, Kocatas A, Kalayci MU, Dogan Y, Alis H. Enhanced postoperative recovery pathways in emergency surgery: a randomised controlled clinical trial. Am J Surg . 2014 Jun;207(6):807-14. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.07.025. Epub 2013 Oct 10.

Bozkurt MA, Kocataş A, Sürek A, Kankaya B, Kalaycı MU, Alış H. The importance of defecography in the assessment of the etiology of chronic constipation: An analysis of 630 patients. Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2014 Dec 1;30(4):183-5. doi: 10.5152/UCD.2014.2763. eCollection 2014.

Bozkurt MA, Ünsal MG, Kapan S, Kankaya B, Kalaycı MU, Alış H. Two different methods for appendiceal stump closure: metal clip and Hem-o-lok clip. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2014 Aug;24(8):571-3. doi: 10.1089/lap.2013.0543. Epub 2014 Jul 9.

Akarsu C, Dural AC, Kankaya B, Çelik M F, Kneş O, Mert M, Kalaycı MU , Alış H. Robotik Adrenalektomide başlangıç deneyim ve ilk sonuçlarımız.Ulusal Cer Herg .2014;30:28-33

Bozkurt MA, Kocataş A, Sürek A, Kankaya B, Kalaycı MU, Alış H. Kronik konstipasyonun etyolojik incelemesinde defekografinin önemi: 630 vakanın incelenmesi. Ulusal Cer Derg 2014; 30: 183-185.

Çelik MF, Dural AC, Ünsal MG, Akarsu C, Elmas Reyhan Alim ER, Kapan S, Kalaycı MU , Alış H, Dev juvenil fibroadenom Ulusal Cer Derg 2014DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2014.2574

Bozkurt MA1, Unsal MG, Kapan S, Gonenc M, Dogan M, Kalayci MU, Alis H.Is laparoscopic appendectomy going to be standard procedure for acute appendicitis; a 5-year single center experience with 1,788 patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015 Feb;41(1):87-9. doi: 10.1007/s00068-014-0411-x. Epub 2014 May 31.

Dural AC, Celik MF, Temizgonul B , Unsal MG, Akarsu C, Gonenc M, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Unusual clinical case: extraluminal manifestation of a tapeworm from the eviscerated midline incision in a post-surgery patient, J Infect Dev Ctries. 2015 Apr 15;9(4):428-30. doi: 10.3855/jidc.5153.

Bozkurt MA, Kocataş A, Karabulut M, Yırgın H, Kalaycı MU, Alis H. Two Etiological Reasons of Constipation: Anterior Rectocele and Internal Mucosal Intussusception.Indian J.Surg. DOI:10.1007/s12262-014-1042-5

Adas G, Koc B, Adas M, Duruksu G, Subasi C, Kemik O, Kemik A, Sakiz D, Kalayci M, Purisa S, Unal S, Karaoz E. Effects of mesenchymal stem cells and VEGF on liver regeneration following major resection. Langenbecks Arch Surg . 2016 Aug;401(5):725-40. doi: 10.1007/s00423-016-1380-9. Epub 2016 Apr 19.

An association between transmesenteric internal hernia and abdominal cocoon syndrome: a case report, Altuntas T, Sarici IS, Kalayci MU. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijscr.2016.12.001

Bozkurt MA, Kocataş A , Gemici E, Kalaycı MU , Alış H,Robotic versus conventional laparoscopic colorectal operations: a-single center experience Ulus Cerrahi Derg 2016; 32: 93-96

B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında (proceedings) basılan bildiriler

Kalayci MU, Aksoy F, Vatansev C, Ak A, Bilici S, Girişgin S, 10 th Anniversary of Eurosurgery and Turkish Surgical Congress konferansı dahilinde “Eurosurgery 2000 Abstract Book” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Retrospective evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma” isimli bildiri OP-42, Istanbul Turkey, June 2000

Kalayci MU, Bozer M, Pekiner T, Turhan AN, Akin BV, Cikot M, Aygün E, 5 th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, konferansı dahilinde “Ulusal Travma Dergisi Supplement” bildiri kitapçığındaki “The evaluation of treatment and cost results of laparoscopic and open appendectomy” isimli bildiri OP-237, Istanbul Turkey, October 2002

Alış H, Dodur B, Kalaycı M, Yiğitbaş H, Tulubaş E, Dolay K, Aygün E, 7th European Congress of Trauma And Emergency Surgery. Sep 6-9 2006 konferansı dahilinde “Journal of international Diseaster Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Results of selective non-operative approach to penetrating abdominal wounds” isimli bildiri P-2271, Malmö Sweden, Sep 2006

Kalayci MU, Kütükcü E , Turhan AN, Alis H, Kapan S, Dolay K, Öner O, Dodur B, Hatipoglu S, Aygün E, 7th European Congress of Trauma And Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “İnternation Journal of Diseaster Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Operative and non operative management of acute appendicitis” isimli bildiri OP- 2248, Malmö Sweden, Sep 2006

Alis H, Dodur B, Kalaycı M, Yiğitbaş H, Hatipoğlu S, Turhan A, Aygün E, 7th European Congress of Trauma And Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “İnternational Journal of Diseaster Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Results of rates of penetrating abdominal traumas necessitating operative treatment” isimli bildiri P-2266, Malmö Sweden, Sep 2006

Kapan S, Turhan AN, Alis H, Kalayci MU, Öner O, Yigitbas H, Aygün E, 7th European Congress of Trauma And Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “İnternational Journal of Diseaster Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Nonoperative management of penetrating abdominal gun shot injuries” isimli bildiri OP-2240, Malmö Sweden, Sep 6-9 2006

Kapan S, Alis H, Turhan AN, Öner O, Kalayci MU, Kutukcu E, Dolay K, Demiriz B, Hatipoglu S, Aygün E, 7th European Congress of Trauma And Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “Journal of Diseaster Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Nonoperative management of blunt and splenic traumas” isimli bildiri P-2238, Malmö Sweden, Sep 6-9 2006

Kalayci M, Alis H, Dolay K, Turhan AN, Kapan S, Öner O, Kutukcu E, Pekel O, Aygun E, 7 th European Congress of Trauma,And Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “İnternational Disaster of Medicine” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Results of early cholecystectomies after acute biliary pancreatitis” isimli bildiri O-2245, Malmö Sweden, Sep -6-9-2006

Alis H, Kalayci M, Dodur B, Ede B, Yigitbas H, Aygün E, 10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES konferansı dahilinde “10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki “The efficiency of rockall and blatchford scoring system in upper gastrointestinal system bleedings” isimli bildiri P-222, Berlin Germany, Sep – 2006

Alis H, Dodur B, Kalayci M, Ede B,Tulubas E, AygünE, 10 th EAES Congress” konferansı dahilinde “”Abstract Book of the 10 th EAES Congress”” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Our approach to gastrointestinal bleedings” isimli bildiri P-223, Berlin Germany, Sep 2006

Alis H, Dodur B, Kalayci M, Kütükcü E, Dolay K, Ede B, Aygün E, 10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES konferansı dahilinde “Abstarct book of 10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Our endoscopic signs in upper gastrointestinal system bleedings” isimli bildiri P-226, Berlin Germany, Sep 2006

Kalayci MU, Akin BV, Alis H, Kapan S, Yigitbas H, Aygun E, 10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES konferansı dahilinde ” 10 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery EAES ” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Effect of gall bladder perforations during laparoscopic cholecystectomy on respiratory mechanics and depth of pain’’ isimli bildiri P-386, Berlin Germany, Sep 2006

Alis H, Dodur B, Kalayci M, Ede B, Tulubas E, Aygün E, 10 th EAES Congress konferansı dahilinde “Abstract Book of the 10 th EAES Congress” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Independent rısc factors for rebleeding and mortality in upper gastrointestinal system” isimli bildiri O-111, Berlin Germany, Sep 2006

Öner O,Kapan S, Turhan AN, Dolay K, Kalayci MU, Hatipoğlu S, Tülübas E, Aygün E, 15th International Congress of the EAES konferansı dahilinde ” 15th International Congress of the EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Single port laparoscopy assisted peritoneal biopsy” isimli bildiri P-087, Athens Greece, July2 007

Oner O, Dolay K, Alis H, Kalayci MU, Soylu A, Turhan AN, Pekel O, Aygun E, 15th International Congress of the EAES konferansı dahilinde “Abstract book 15th International Congress of the EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki ” The Results of Endoscopic Stent Application in Rectal and Sigmoidal Malign Colonic Obstructions” isimli bildiri P-106, Athens 4-7, July 2007

Alis H, Kalayci MU, Oner OZ, Dolay K, Kapan SE, Turhan AN, Soylu A, Ayhan S, Aygun E, 15th International Congress of the EAES konferansı dahilinde ” book of 15th International Congress of the EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki “The Evaluation of Prophylactic Endoscopic Injection Therapy In Forrest IIB Duodenal Ulcer Bleedings” isimli bildiri O-069, Athens Greece, July 2007

Alis H, Kapan SE, Dolay K, Soylu A, Turhan AN, Kalayci MU , Bozkurt A, Aygun E, 15th International Congress of the EAES konferansı dahilinde “Abstract book of 15th International Congress of the EAES” bildiri kitapçığındaki ” Is Band Ligation Superior To İnjection Therapy in Dieulofoy Leison” isimli bildiri P-070, Athens Greece, July 2007

Kalayci M, Dolay K, Alis H, Oner OZ, Soylu A, Turhan AN, Yigitbas H, Aygun E , 15th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, konferansı dahilinde “Abstract book of 15th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Our experience of percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy” isimli bildiri P-088, Athens Greece, July 2007

Alis H, Kalaycı MU, Dolay K, Turhan AN, Oner OZ, Aygün E, 18th World Congress of the Internatinal Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists konferansı dahilinde “Hepato-gastroenterology /Supplement 1” bildiri kitapçığındaki “The use of endoscopic transeosephageal mediastinoscopy and eosophageal stenting for the treatment of eosopghageal perforation occured by bronchectazia caused medistinitis” isimli bildiri V-022, Istanbul Turkey, October 2008

Soylu A, Dolapçıoğlu C, Sevindir İ, Alis H, Kalaycı M , Yaşar N, Kumbasar AB, Falk symposium 166: Strategies of Cancer Prevention in Gastroenterology konferansı dahilinde “Falk symposium 166: Strategies of Cancer Prevention in Gastroenterology” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Will the use antibiotics before or after the meals and the blood group of the patients influence the success of Helicobacter pylori eradication? isimli bildiri P-36, Mainz Germany, September 2008

Soylu A, Özkara S, Alis H, Dolay K, Kalaycı M, Yaşar N, Kumbasar AB, Falk symposium 166: Strategies of Cancer Prevention in Gastroenterology konferansı dahilinde “Falk symposium 166: Strategies of Cancer Prevention in Gastroenterology” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Immunohistochemical testing for Helicobacter pylori existence in neoplasms of the colon” isimli bildiri P-37, Mainz Germany, September 2008

Kalaycı UM, Eroğlu HE, Soylu A, Kubilay D, Sancak B, Ugurluoglu C, Ercin U , Koca Y, 10.th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “10.th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery” bildiri kitapçığındaki “An Assesment of the Effect of Ankaferd Blood Stopper on Haemostasis and Histopathological Score in Experimental Liver Injury, isimli bildiri OP-101, Antalya Turkey, May 2009

Kalaycı UM, Kubilay D, Koca Y, Sancak B, Bahar B, Eroglu HE, Soylu A, Ugurluoglu C, 10 thEuropean Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Effect of Ankaferd Blood Stopper on Oxidative Stress in Experimental Liver Injury” isimli bildiri OP-102, Antalya Turkey, May 2000

Soylu A, Ozkara S, Kalaycı M, Yasar N, Sevindir I, Sever N, 17th United European Gastroenterology Week konferansı dahilinde “17th United European Gastroenterology Week, 2009.” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Immunohistochemical evaluation of the influence of proton pump inhibitors on diagnostıc Helicobacter pylori tests” isimli bildiri 0120, London UK, November 2009

Yavuz E, Kalayci M, Ozkara S, Ozdenkaya Y, Gokcek B, Yalcin O, 11 th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “11 th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Comparison of Ankaferd Blod stopper and fibrin glue in an experimental splenectomy” isimli bildiri S-O33, Bruksel Belgium, May-2010

Turhan AN, Gonenc M, Alis H, Kapan S, Kalayci MU , Deniztas C, 12 th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery” konferansı dahilinde “12 th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Early expriences with single incision laparoscopic surgery:The first 12 patients” isimli bildiri O-47, Milan Italy, 2011

Kalayci MU, Karabulut M, Yırgın, Turhan AN, Kapan S, Buyukasik S, Alis H, 12 th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery konferansı dahilinde “12 th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery 2011 “bildiri kitapçığındaki “Treatment of acute appendicitis with laparoscopic appendectomy: A Two year single center exprience” isimli bildiri O-48, Milan Italy, 2011

Dural C, Gonenc M, Buyukasik S, Bozkurt MA, Kalaycı MU , Gulseven Ciftci S, Sever N, Alis H. The correlation between sonographic and histopathological findings in thyroid nodules. European Thyroid Association 36 th Annual Meeting, Pisa, PP-100, Italy, 2012

Akarsu C, Dural C, Surek A, Kalayci MU, Kocatas A, Sever N, Kones O, Alis H. The preliminary results of magnifying endoscopy with flexible spectral imaging color enhancement performed in a surgical endoscopy unit. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,PP-44 ,Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Guzey D, Buyukasik S, Kalayci MU, Karabulut M, Sahin G, Dural C, Dilege ME, Alis H. VAC application in abdominal catastrophe. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting, P – 675 Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Karabulut M, Dural C, Gemici E, Kones O, Deniztas C, Bozkurt MA, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Recurrent non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: The role of endoscopic treatment. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,PP-177, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012 (Poster Presentation)

Gonenc M, Dural C, Karabulut M, Temizgonul B, Kocatas A, Kones O, Kalayci MU , Alis H. Endoscopic stenting as a bridge to surgery for obstructive left-sided colon cancer: How long should that bridge be? European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,PP-249, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Gonenc M, Dural C, Akarsu C, Yirgin H, Kocatas A, Kones O, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Timing of early cholecystectomy in patients with acute calculous cholecystitis: Is it rationale to be strictly loyal to the guidelines? European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,OP-80, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Akarsu C, Dural C, Kones O, Temizgonul B, Kocatas A, Karabulut M, Guzey D , Kalayci MU , Alis H. Endoscopic baloon dilatation for gastrointestinal obstruction: Long-term and short-term results. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,PP-384, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012 (Poster Presentation)

Seyit H, Dural C, Temizgonul B, Karabulut M, Deniztas C, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Self-Expandable Biodegradable Stents: A feasible alternative to surgery for anastomotic leakage, benign strictures or fistulas. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,OP-64, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Dural C, Gonenc M, Sahin N, Gok I, Karabulut M, Akarsu C, Kalayci MU, Alis H. The comparison of closure methods of the appendiceal stump in laparoscopic appendectomy: A high volume institution’s experience. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting, OP-27, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Dural C, Akarsu C, Yirgin H, Dogan M, Kalayci MU, Kocatas A, Kones O, Alis H. Short term outcomes of single port versus conventional laparoscopic appendectomy: A prospective randomised trial. European Society of Surgery, XVI th Annual Meeting,OP-26, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

Cikot M, Kalayci MU,Alis H,Turhan AN, Aygün E, Yılmaz A Gastric fluid calprotectin values. 16. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery.PP-43. İstanbul, Turkey 2012.

Celik MF, Dural C, Dogan M, Kones O, Akarsu C, Gonenc M, Kalayci MU , Alis H. Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for appendectomy: Initial experience. European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 14 th Annual Meeting,P-016 Lyon, France, 2013

Yanar F, Dural C, Yigitbas H, Agcaoglu O, Dogan M, Islim F, Turgut H, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Robotic assisted laparoscopic pericystectomy: A case report. European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 21 st International Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2013

Dural C, Akarsu C, Kankaya B,Bozkurt MA, Celik MF, Baytekin HF, Mert M, Kalayci MU, Alis H. Mixed and simultaneous occurrence of medullary and papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland: A report of three cases. 2nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, Toronto, Canada, 2013 (PP-83- granted by Turkish Surgical Association: “Support for International Congress Presentations 2013”)

Akarsu C, Dural C, Gemici E, Gonenc M, Sever N, Kocatas A, Dogan Y, Adas GT , Kalayci MU, Alis H. A medullary thyroid carcinoma case with aggressive course. 2 nd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer, PP,Toronto, Canada, 2013

Yazılan ulusal / uluslararası kitaplardaki bölümler

Kalayc MU. Üst GİS Endoskopisinde Lezyonların Tanımlanması ve Raporlandırılması. Editör Karahan Ö, Cingi A, Gastrointestinal Sistem Endoskopisi, Bayt; 2016.p 93-96

Bilgin BÇ, Kalaycı MU. Mide Motor ve Motilite Bozuklukları (Gastroparezi) Editör Karahan Ö, Cingi A, Gastrointestinal Sistem Endoskopisi, Bayt; 2016, p 170-174

Bozkurt MA, Kalaycı MU. Volvulus, Editör Karahan Ö, Cingi A, Gastrointestinal Sistem Endoskopisi, Bayt; 2016.p 410-413

D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler

Kalaycı MU, Eroğlu E, Ünal E, Adanalı S, Oral S. Vajinal yabancı cisimler, Acta Oncologica Turcica. 1996;29(3-4):159-60

Bulak H, Kalaycı MU, Türkmen M, Oral S. Struma Ovarii: Bir vaka sunumu, Cerrahi Tıp Arşivi. 1998;3(1):34-8

Bulak H, Eroğlu E, Kalaycı M, Taşlıyar E, Avunduk MC, Türkmen M, Eraslan, H, Uysal B, Köse G, Oral S. Sıçanlarda granulosit makrofaj koloni uyarıcı faktörün gastrointestinal sistem anastomozlarıda lokal kullanımının yara iyileşmesine ve anastomoz kaçağına etkisi, Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi. 1999;1:40-3

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